Workshop #4 – ISCTE-IUL
On January 21 and 22, 2021, the BeCoME team met online for the third workshop, hosted by the Portuguese team from ISCTE-IUL, led by Henrique Duarte.
During two intense days, the partners came together to update the work developed in all the working packages and discussed the next steps.
On the first day, each working package was carefully discussed. To kick off the discussion, Marianne Kallaste presented a summary of the main results with the data collected until now regarding entrepreneurial competencies among students and employees (WP1). Next, the partners presented their proposals for research papers. Research questions, data analyses and potential outlets for publication were discussed, while members formed authorship teams based on expertise, cultural diversity and interest.
Next, the partners shared their ideas on how they will conduct the pilot training courses with students, based on the results from WP1. Each partner presented their ongoing work to start piloting training courses and workshops with students during the second half of 2021.
After the lunch break, Tomasz Dorożyński presented an overview about WP5 and there was a discussion about the methodology for data collection with the SMEs, and next, Milla Raisanen moderated the discussion about WP4 activities. Partnerships with an expert of expansive learning environment issues were discussed.
To close the first day, Henrique talked about evaluation, quality and dissemination policies for the BeCoME project and presented the next day’s agenda.
On the second day, partners from the companies also joined the workshop, and we discussed the results on employees’ experiences of entrepreneurship competencies and workplaces as learning environments. Milla Räisänen presented the preliminary survey results and factors to enhance employees’ learning which inspired group activities in virtual breakout rooms to answer two questions: (1) Consider what is/what are the most important challenge(s) that comes to employees’ professional growth and learning which needs to be developed in your company? Which areas do employees need to develop in order to keep up with changing world? And (2) Elaborate what kind of actions could be taken to support professional growth and learning development? What kind of experiences do you have about previous challenges and solving them?
After the breakdown into two different groups, the groups came back to the main room and shared their main conclusions discussed in the breakout rooms. Henrique closed the day with a video about Portugal.
Participants List
Agnieszka Kłysik-Uryszek, Agnieszka Kurczewska, Alessandro Iorio, Ana Junça Silva, Angelo Riviezzo, Antonio Domenico Ialeggio, Carolina Ponte, Fanny Karlsson, Filomena Pagnozzi, Gilda Antonelli, Heiki Rits, Henrique Duarte, Jukka Siren, Katrin Arvola, Marianne Kallaste, Milla Räisänen, Susana Santos, Szymon Midera, Tomasz Dorożyńsk