The BeComE Final Symposium was hosted by ISCTE in Lisbon, Portugal, from 28 to 30 November 2022. During these three days, the BeComE team came together to discuss the project and reflect on the results.
Henrique Duarte welcomed the participants and opened the workshop by presenting the main facilities and organization of the ISCTE campus. Next, Urve Venesaar presented a short overview of the project results and benefits, and all the partners reviewed the main long-term outcomes of BeComE project, which included: 1. Self-assessment tools, 2. Interviews with SME managers, 3. Survey among teaching staff, 4. New study programmes for EE students, 5. New study programmes implementation for subject-specific students, 6. New training programme for SME managers and 7. New training programme for teaching staff.
Next, we provided an overview and evaluation of the deliverables of WP1 and WP3. The participants discussed their perspectives about WP1 – Exploration of divergences between actual and required entrepreneurship competencies (ECs) of target groups needful for meeting societal challenges. The main conclusion drawn from the surveys is that some of the Entrepreneurship Competences need more support to be developed in students and employees.
Concerning WP3 – Jointly developing and implementing entrepreneurship competence (EC) teaching and learning approaches for HEIs and businesses – the team discussed the guidelines for teaching and learning entrepreneurship competencies. The Taltech team also presented a summary of the self-assessment tools ( made to support learning. At the same time, we discussed the benefits of using these digital tools to support the teaching and learning process.
In the afternoon, we discussed and worked on the deliverables of WP4. Particularly, we discussed the Roadmap and best practices of how to make working environments expansive, supporting the development of ECs.
The next day, we started by discussing and working on the Deliverables of WP5 and WP8. Specifically, we presented the main aspects of the training program for SME managers about the internationalization of their businesses relying on innovative teaching and learning approaches.
Finally, concerning WP8, the dissemination strategy, we discussed the future podcasts and videos to be produced and reviewed the statistics of the website visits.
In the afternoon, we discussed and worked on WP6 and WP7 while we prepared for the next day’s public event.
Agnieszka Kłysik-Uryszek, Ana Junça Silva (online), Angelo Riviezzo, Filomena Pagnozzi, Gilda Antonelli, Henrique Duarte, Katrin Arvola, Marianne Kallaste, Rene Arvola, Taina Civil , Tomasz Dorożyński, Urve Venesaar.
On November 30, we hosted the public event of the Final Symposium. The event was moderated by Professor António Caetano (ISPA).
After the welcome, Urve Venesaar and Marianne Kallaste presented the “Overall BeComE project outputs”. Next, Angelo Riviezzo and Gilda Antonelli presented “How to teach and learn entrepreneurship competence: evidence from the Become three years activities”, and the last panel before the coffee break was “Self-assessment for learning as a teaching method” presented by Marianne Kallaste and Katrin Arvola supported by teachers of other universities.
After a short pause, Petri Nokelainen and Taina Civil presented “Development of workplaces as “expansive learning environments” in companies – practical activities and benefits for companies. Next, we had Agnieszka Kurczewska and Tomasz Dorożyński presenting “Development of new training programme, and teaching and learning approaches for SME managers as a response to macro-changes in business environments”. Taina Civil and Angelo Riviezzo presented “The results of Quality management and Evaluation”, and Henrique Duarte presented “Dissemination and Communication activities”.
In the afternoon, companies’ partners and partners worked on the Deliverables of WP4. University and company partners assessed the joint activities between Universities and companies and presented the main aspects that still need to be fulfilled in the different Deliverables.
We thank everyone for their participation in the Final Symposium of the BeComE Project. These were a very inspiring and exciting three days!
Participants Nov 30:
Agnieszka Kurczewska (online), Agnieszka Kłysik-Uryszek, Alessandro Iorio, Ana Junça Silva, Angelo Riviezzo, Antonio Domenico Ialeggio, Bernardo Ferreira, Carolina Oliveira (online), Filomena Pagnozzi, Gilda Antonelli, Giovanni Verdino, Henrique Duarte, Kadri Kullman, Katrin Arvola, Marianne Kallaste, Piret Betlem, Rene Arvola, Susana Santos (online), Taina Civil Tomasz Dorożyński, Urve Venesaar, Victoria Palacin