On September 9, the BeComE Online Steering Committee met for an update on the project.
We discussed the development of the activities on the different work packages, and the internal members of Steering Committee assessed the quality of project activities and results (e.g. output indicators) based on the deliverables drafted so far.
The team also decided that the BeComE Final Conference will take place on 29-30 November in Lisbon, and provided an update on the outcomes of the project. The BeComE project is working on one article to be presented at the ESU conference and to be submitted to a Special issue. There are also chapters planned to be published in the IGI Global book, and 1 other article is another work in progress.
We continue to be excited about the project, improving the materials and developing better strategies to help entrepreneurship education in Europe.
Taina Civil, Tomasz Dorozynski, Ialeggio (Geolumen), Agnieszka Klysik-Uryszek, Essi Isohanni, Henrique Duarte, Marina Kaas, Heiki Rits, Gilda Antonelli, Agnieszka Kurczewska, Filomena Pagnozzi, Angelo Riviezzo, Monika Stefaniak, Petri Nokelainen, Marianne Kallaste, Katrin Arvola, Ana Junca Silva, Urve Venesaar.